"A Rotarian Christmas"
It is 7 days before Christmas at the Rotarian House, and all the Rotarians continue to scurry and grouse;
We have had family dinners, spicy chili and all, a great joy and one of the best events of the fall;
Once again, the Driskell's hosted the holiday party and dinner, and thankfully again we did not destroy their house;
Backpacks for School, Old Soldiers Day, Mayor's Corporate Challenge; Hey Fastest Mayor, get out of my way!
Great Day of Service, USO, Up With People, Distracted Drivers...didn't I just say Hey Fastest Mayor, get out of my way!
GRSP Weekend, Veteran's Day Service and Memorial Dedication, LionHeart Gardens, and GPC STEM Panel Discussion;
Last week we enjoyed the Georgia Youth Symphony, my what a percussion!
DG Bob's visit, Salvation Army bell ringing, Croc Center Networking and Discussion, Stand Up for Kids, Shop with A Cop, Senior Thanksgiving Dinner and Meals by Grace for goodness sake;
The Rotarians settled in with caps on their heads for a long winter's nap; when suddenly in Downtown Alpharetta there arose such a clatter...
They all jumped out of their beds and ran to see what was the matter;
To the amazement of one and all, the sight before them beheld them all;
It was Jolly Old Santa DG and a bag full of surprises; more opportunities to serve and make a difference in many lives
Santa DG said, "To one and all, thank you for your service this year.  As the calendar turns, service opportunities yearn for our hands and our hearts;
I know you will once again travel to near and far parts.  Be safe, God Speed, and Service Above Self in the upcoming New Year!"