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Summary: The Rotary Club of Alpharetta joins the Vining Club in funding the Kilifi Kids project that is designed to leverage mobile health innovations and technologies to improve health outcomes for pregnant mothers and young children (0-5) and decrease child/maternal mor-tality rates. Based on our relationships with Kilifi Rotary and District 9212 since 2006, we expanded our “mHealth” solution in 2014-2015 to central Kenya with a catchment of 8,000 lives with training 50 health workers (spent 1/3 of $90,000 grant). (This is in addition to still covering an entire sub-country in coastal Ken-ya/Kilifi). In 2015-2016, we expect to expand to three new sites in Makueni County with an approx. $60,000 grant. Overall, we are helping thousands of moms with their antenatal care and help kids got the immunization shots they need. Innovation is at the heart of our project; we use mobile technologies to reach any person in our communities and then rely on sophisticated, open-source software to track and analyze our results. We built sustainability into the project by providing solar panels to hospital staff to charge phones and rent them to neighbors. We negotiate with the Ministries of Health to assume ownership of the project upon our departure and train staff then how to do it. Lastly, we make data-driven decisions from our software to re-allocate resources where most needed and ensure accountability.