At the Friday, 02/20/2015 meeting of the Rotary Club of Alpharetta, District Governor Elect Robert Hagan discussed future plans for District 6900, and Assistant Governor Dave Schmidt awarded Lawrence Mulkey with his Paul Harris Fellow +1 pin.  The guest speaker for the week was Attorney Joseph Rosen, who discussed the current issues in immigration law.
Lee Doernberg awarded Lexis Nexis with the Rotary Large Business of the year award for their outstanding participation in community projects.  Sarah Heslin accepted the award for Lexis Nexis.  The small business award was presented to Alpharetta Outfitters (award accepted by Chuck Palmer) for donating 100% of their profits to various local charities. 
District Governor Elect Robert Hagan thanked the Alpharetta Rotary Club for its past efforts and also discussed plans for the upcoming year for District 6900.
Assistant Governor Dave Schmidt awarded Lawrence Mulkey, a long-time Alpharetta Rotarian, with his Paul Harris +1 pin.
After reviewing dozens of recommendations, Lee Doernberg and the selection committee presented the Rotary Business of the Year Awards to a Large and Small Business for their outstanding charitable contributions to the community.
Sarah Heslin of Lexis Nexis accepted the Rotary Large Business of the Year Award.  Lexis Nexis had a very high employee participation rate in many of the various community projects that they supported.
Chuck Palmer of Alpharetta Outfitters accepted the Rotary Small Business of the Year Award.  Alpharetta Outfitters donates 100% of their profits to community charities.
The guest speaker Friday was Attorney Joseph Rosen, who discussed some his personal experiences as well as current issues with immigration in the country.
Caught by the Camera: