Alpharetta Rotary Grant Applications

The Rotary Club of Alpharetta funds projects that align with the mission of The Rotary Foundation, which is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. Qualified Projects must fall within the six areas of focus and deemed as sustainable, measurable and community driven. Grant applications will be approved on a rolling basis starting on July 1st of each year.
Project Grant Application Form
Matching Grant Application Form
Eligibility Guidelines
All grant activities must:
- Driven from Community Needs.
- Consistent with the mission of The Rotary Foundation
- Include active participation of Alpharetta Rotarians
- Align with one or more of Rotary’s six areas of focus.
- Be sustainable.
- Results are measureable. Examples of measures can be found in the Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan supplement from Rotary International.
- Support humanitarian and educational projects
- Sponsored and championed by at least one Alpharetta Rotarian Member who is in good standing.
Grants cannot be used to unfairly discriminate against any group; promote a particular political or religious viewpoint; support purely religious functions; or serve as a new contribution to the Foundation or another Rotary Foundation grant